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abad ke-8 sm bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "abad ke-8 sm"
  • However, in the early 8th century BC, Spartan society was transformed.
    Akan tetapi, pada awal abad ke-8 SM, masyarakat Sparta mengalami perubahan.
  • The Phrygians established their kingdom in central Anatolia in the 8th century BC.
    Orang Frigia mendirikan kerajaan di Anatolia tengah pada abad ke-8 SM.
  • Beersheba was the region's capital and a center for trade in the 8th century BC.
    Beersheba menjadi ibukota daerah ini dan pusat perdagangan pada abad ke-8 SM.
  • He is believed to have reigned during the late 8th and early 7th century BC.
    Dia dipercaya memerintah pada akhir abad ke-8 SM dan awal abad ke-7 SM.
  • Ancient furniture has been excavated from the 8th-century BCE Phrygian tumulus, the Midas Mound, in Gordion, Turkey.
    Furnitur awal ditemukan pada abad ke-8 SM di Phrigian, Bukit Midas, di Gordion, Turki.
  • It's believed that they had reached Persia from Ancient Israel as early as the 8th century BCE.
    Mereka percaya bahwa mereka datang ke Persia, dari Israel Kuno, pada awal abad ke-8 SM.
  • The Syro-Ephraimite War took place in the 8th century BC, when the Neo-Assyrian Empire was a great regional power.
    Perang Siro-Efraim terjadi pada abad ke-8 SM, saat Kekaisaran Neo-Asiria menjadi kekuatan regional yang besar.
  • The Greek city of Cumae was founded in 8th century BC in an area towards the southern Etruscan border.
    Kota Yunani Cumae didirikan pada abad ke-8 SM di sebuah area menuju perbatasan selatan Etruskan.
  • The building dates of these features have not been confirmed, but might be somewhere between the 9th and 8th centuries BCE.
    Tarikh pendirian bangunan-bangunan ini belum dikonfirmasi, tapi mungkin antara abad ke-9 dan abad ke-8 SM.
  • It included fortifications and buildings from the Kingdom of Judah period, dating to the 7th and 8th centuries BCE.
    Ini termasuk benteng-benteng dan bangunan dari periode Kerajaan Yehuda periode, bertarikh abad ke-7 dan abad ke-8 SM.
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